On Repeat: Java’s Record Feature Plays a New Tune!


In the ever-evolving landscape of Java, the Records feature debuted as a preview in Java 14, launched in March 2020. However, it was Java 16, released in March 2021, that fully embraced Records as a standard language feature. This rapid transition from a preview to a full-fledged feature underscores the Java community’s keen interest in this concise and expressive tool, facilitating the creation of immutable data classes in contemporary Java applications.

So, what is a record?


Record is an immutable Java type to create Data carrier classes that save you from the boilerplate code.

What to know more? Let’s deep dive into details!

Why Records Were Needed

One of the most persistent critiques developers have had with Java, especially when compared to newer languages, is the sheer amount of boilerplate code required to achieve seemingly simple tasks. This concern is especially pronounced with data carrier classes — those classes primarily designed to just carry data. Traditional Java classes require explicit field declarations, constructors to initialize these fields, getter methods to access them, and the obligatory equals(), hashCode(), and toString() methods. Recognizing this gap, the Lombok library emerged, simplifying boilerplate with annotations. Its popularity underscored a clear need for the Java language itself to evolve.

Records: A Record-Breaking Feature

Java records are an innovative type declaration meant for simple, immutable data aggregates. They remove the manual labor of defining fields, constructors, and getters, and automatically craft the equals(), hashCode(), and toString() methods. With just one line, a record generates these components, creating a streamlined approach for classes centered on data, be it plain data objects or DTOs.

Declaring and Understanding Records

Basic Declaration.

Consider this simple declaration of a Point record:

record Point(int x, int y) { }

At first glance, this might seem like a mere shorthand, but there’s a lot happening under the hood. Here’s a breakdown:

  • The parameters inside the parentheses (int x, int y) are not just parameters; they define the private final fields of the record.
  • A public constructor is implicitly created to initialize these fields, keeping in mind the order of the declared components.
  • Accessor methods aka getters (which have the same name as the fields, in this case, x() and y()) are automatically generated and give you a way to retrieve the values of these fields.
  • The record inherently offers robust implementations of equals(), hashCode(), and toString() methods, ensuring value-based comparison and a coherent representation, tailored specifically for the record’s components.

Basically, it would be equal to the following POJO Java Code:

public class Point {
private final int x;
private final int y;

public Point(int x, int y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;

public int getX() {
return x;

public int getY() {
return y;

public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
Point point = (Point) o;
return x == point.x && y == point.y;

public int hashCode() {
return 31 * x + y;

public String toString() {
return "Point{" +
"x=" + x +
", y=" + y +

1 line vs 20+ lines: quite an impressive comparison, right?

Customizing Records

Adding Methods

Records aren’t rigid structures; they allow for flexibility. Even though their primary role is to encapsulate data efficiently, you can enhance records with additional utility methods. Take our Point record for instance:

record Point(int x, int y) { 
public double distanceFromOrigin() {
return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);

With this addition, the Point record now has a distanceFromOrigin() method that returns the Euclidean distance of the point from the origin. This demonstrates that while records streamline data representation, they can still be enriched with custom functionalities.

Customizing Constructors

While the canonical constructor, defined by the record’s components, is automatically generated, there are scenarios where additional constructors or validations might be necessary. This is where customizing constructors comes into play.

One fascinating aspect of records is the compact constructor. Unlike traditional constructors, compact constructors don’t require parameter declaration. Instead, they directly use the record components. For example, if you wanted to ensure that the coordinates of our Point are non-negative:

record Point(int x, int y) {
public Point {
if (x < 0 || y < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Coordinates must be non-negative");

In the above snippet, the compact constructor provides a validation layer ensuring the integrity of the data being initialized.

Pattern Matching with Records

Pattern matching, introduced in later versions of Java, provides a mechanism to query and extract data from objects in a more readable and type-safe manner.

Deconstruction Patterns with Records:

One of the highlights of pattern matching is the deconstruction pattern. This allows objects to be ‘deconstructed’ into their constituent parts. With records, this deconstruction becomes particularly straightforward.

Consider a record Point(int x, int y). With pattern matching and deconstruction, one could easily extract the x and y components without explicitly calling getter methods:

Point p = new Point(3, 4);
if (p instanceof Point(int x, int y)) {
System.out.println("Coordinates are: " + x + ", " + y);

In this snippet, the Point object is seamlessly deconstructed into its x and y components, which can be directly used in the body of the if statement.

In essence, the fusion of records and pattern matching in Java delivers a powerful toolset for developers, allowing for more expressive, clear, and concise code structures. This is a testament to Java’s ongoing evolution in meeting modern programming paradigms and demands.

Restrictions and Limitations of Records

Java’s record feature was introduced to make certain tasks more concise, but with this conciseness come certain limitations to ensure that records remain simple and predictable. Let’s dive into some of these restrictions and the rationale behind them:

Records are final: Why?

One of the key characteristics of a record is that it’s immutable, meaning its state can’t be modified after creation. To ensure this immutability, records are implicitly final. This design decision prevents other classes from subclassing a record, which would have allowed the potential for mutable subclass instances, thus compromising the record’s guarantee of immutability.

No instance fields other than the private final fields from the state description

Each component of a record gets a corresponding private final field. This strict one-to-one relationship between the record’s components and its fields ensures that the data representation of the record remains consistent and unambiguous. As a result, you can’t declare any other fields in a record, keeping it streamlined and focused on its primary purpose of representing data.

Other limitations compared to traditional classes:

  • Inheritance: As mentioned, records can’t be subclassed (other than implicitly inheriting from java.lang.Record). This means they can't extend any other class. However, they can implement interfaces.
  • No-arg constructor: Records do not provide a default no-argument constructor. Any constructor you add must correspond to the record’s components, ensuring the immutability and consistency of the data. Additionally, the canonical constructor (the one with parameters matching the components) is automatically provided unless you define it explicitly.
  • Annotations and Modifiers: While you can annotate the record or its components, and also use a limited set of modifiers, certain modifiers like protected or synchronized aren't allowed in the context of records, ensuring that the intent of a record remains clear.

In summary, the restrictions placed on records stem from a desire to keep them simple, predictable, and focused on their primary mission: efficiently representing data without the usual boilerplate associated with traditional Java classes.

Records and Serialization

In the realm of Java, serialization has always been a significant topic, especially when considering the persistence or transmission of objects. With the introduction of records, the question arises: how do they play into this longstanding feature? Let’s delve into the relationship between records and serialization.

Interplay of Records with Serialization

Records are inherently serializable. Given their primary role as data carriers, it’s only natural for them to support a mechanism that allows their state to be easily captured and reconstructed. When a record is serialized, its state description (the components) are serialized in the declared order.

However, one crucial aspect to note is that records bring a stricter contract to serialization compared to traditional classes. For instance, any serialized form of a record must validate against the canonical constructor upon deserialization. This ensures that the invariants of the record are maintained even after the serialization-deserialization cycle.

The Role of serialVersionUID

The serialVersionUID has always been an essential aspect of serialization in Java. It acts as a version control mechanism, ensuring compatibility between different versions of a serialized class. Now, with records, the story remains somewhat similar but with a twist.

Records, by design, do not permit explicit declaration of instance fields. However, serialVersionUID stands as an exception. If a developer foresees changes in the record that might disrupt serialization compatibility, they can declare a serialVersionUID field in the record, just as with traditional classes:

record Point(int x, int y) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

That said, it’s essential to understand that the onus of managing serialVersionUID and ensuring serialization compatibility lies with the developer, especially when changes are made to the record's state description.

Comparing Records with Traditional Classes and Lombok

Tabulated Comparison:

║ Feature/Aspect ║ Records ║ Traditional POJOs ║ Lombok (with annotations) ║
║ Boilerplate ║ Minimal ║ High ║ Reduced with annotations ║
║ Immutability ║ Inherent (Always final) ║ Depends on code ║ Depends on annotations ║
║ Field Declaration ║ In the header ║ In the class body ║ In the class body ║
║ Constructor ║ Generated ║ Manual (or default) ║ Generated with annotations ║
║ Accessors (Getters) ║ Generated ║ Manual ║ Generated with annotations ║
║ equals() & hashCode() ║ Generated ║ Manual (or from IDE) ║ Generated with annotations ║
║ toString() ║ Generated ║ Manual (or from IDE) ║ Generated with annotations ║
║ Extensibility ║ Restricted (always final) ║ Flexible ║ Flexible ║
║ Customization ║ Limited ║ Full control ║ Controlled via annotations ║
║ Serialization ║ Supported (with constraints) ║ Supported ║ Supported ║
║ Annotations Needed ║ None ║ None ║ Yes ║

Analyzing Bytecode

While the above table provides a high-level comparison, diving into bytecode can unveil the nuances of how each approach is implemented at the lower level.

  • Records: The bytecode generated for records is streamlined. All the standard methods (equals(), hashCode(), and toString()) and the components are inherently a part of the bytecode. There's no manual intervention, which means a consistent outcome.
  • Traditional POJOs: Here, the bytecode is reflective of the manual interventions made by the developer or the IDE. If two developers were to write the equals() method differently, the bytecode would differ, potentially leading to inconsistencies.
  • Lombok: Lombok, under the hood, modifies the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) during compilation. This means that while you see annotations in the source code, the bytecode contains the generated methods. It’s almost as if you wrote those methods yourself but without the manual labor.

Using tools like javap, which disassembles compiled Java files, can be enlightening. When you analyze a record, a traditional POJO, and a Lombok-aided class using javap, you'll notice the absence of boilerplate in records, the manual constructs in POJOs, and the seamless transformation made by Lombok.

In conclusion, while records, traditional POJOs, and Lombok serve similar purposes, they each have their strengths, trade-offs, and underlying mechanisms. The choice between them should be driven by the specific needs of the project and the familiarity of the development team with each approach.

Use Cases and When Not to Use Records

Java records shine brightest when applied to the right problems. Let’s explore where they fit best and when it might be wiser to resort to traditional classes or other structures.

Ideal Use Cases:

  • Data Transfer Objects (DTOs): DTOs are used to transfer data between subsystems, often lacking behavior. They mostly hold data, which is precisely what records were designed for. Instead of creating a full-blown class with getters, setters, equals(), hashCode(), and toString(), records simplify this to a one-liner.
  • Value Objects: In domain-driven design, value objects represent descriptive aspects of the domain with no conceptual identity. Their equality is based on their state, not on their identity, making records a perfect fit.
  • Temporary Data Carriers: Sometimes, we just need to pass around grouped data, maybe between methods or short-lived processes. Records provide a clean and concise way to do this without the overhead of a full class.

Combining with other Java Features:

  • Sealed Classes: Sealed classes and interfaces restrict which other classes or interfaces may extend or implement them. Records, being implicitly final, naturally complement this feature, serving as one of the permitted subclasses in a sealed hierarchy.
  • Pattern Matching: With the advent of pattern matching in later Java versions, records become even more potent. They can be deconstructed easily in pattern matching constructs, making code more readable and eliminating the usual boilerplate associated with extracting values.


While records are a great addition, they aren’t a one-size-fits-all solution.

  • Behavior-rich Classes: If a class is more than just a data carrier, i.e., it encapsulates significant behavior or complex business logic, a traditional class is likely more appropriate. Records are designed for data, not behavior.
  • Mutable Classes: Records are implicitly final and immutable. If you need an object whose state changes over time, records aren’t the right choice.
  • Extensibility Concerns: If you anticipate needing a rich inheritance hierarchy, remember that records are final and cannot be subclassed. Traditional classes offer more flexibility in this regard.
  • Advanced Serialization Needs: While records do support serialization, scenarios requiring intricate custom serialization logic might be better handled with traditional classes.
  • Field Modifiers: Given that you can’t mark fields in records as transient or volatile, if you need these modifiers, you'll have to opt for traditional classes.

In essence, records are an invaluable tool in the Java toolkit, designed for a specific set of use cases where data is at the forefront. However, understanding their limitations ensures they’re used where they bring the most value, without introducing pitfalls or maintenance challenges.

Conclusion and the Future of Java

Java, known for its robustness and platform independence, has often been critiqued for verbosity. The introduction of features like records signals Java’s evolution towards brevity while retaining its core strengths. Records exemplify Java’s adaptability, shedding boilerplate without sacrificing its foundations. For Java developers, records are a reminder that the language is progressing for us, urging us to evolve alongside it. Java’s future is promising, inviting us to continue our journey with it, fueled by enthusiasm and curiosity.

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Aleksandra Liutikova aka Java Senorita
Aleksandra Liutikova aka Java Senorita

Written by Aleksandra Liutikova aka Java Senorita

Java Señorita. Java at my core; Software Engineer by trade. Venturing through AI & tech. Dreaming big: Java Champion! #CodeWithPassion 🚀

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